A mouthful for Monica

You know you are just another American in London when you a) still recognise Monica Lewinsky and dub it a major 'celeb' spotting b) find her presence unquestionably more titillating than any of the London-famed Primrose Hill set c) develop conspiracy theories around the friend she is with sharing uncanny similarities to Linda Tripp.
None of which I acknowledged until last night when after ordering a pizza in the reliable, local NW1 Italian, J Restaurant, I returned to the table from the downstairs ladies loo. And it was but for a moment's glance when I teetered on the landing's edge, feebly attempting to disguise the latest ladder in my fishnets, that I spotted the rather radiantly Rubenesque Monica Lewinsky enjoying a mouthful of tiramisu.
I identified her face immediately, as would any self respecting Bubba lover, and was instantly struck by her beaming smile and the loud, unapologetic Yank affectation in her voice. Shamefully tempted to lean over and ask how her masters degree in Social Psychology at LSE was panning out (and whether she has found a comparable dry cleaning service in London), I exhibited restraint for once. Because, after all, any woman confident enough to reject the Nicole Ritchie look deserves the right to tuck into dessert in public and be given due respect and peace in anonymity. Well that, and I couldn't trust myself to not ask the real question burning under every Yellow Dog Democrat pacing like a bitch in heat until 2008: "So love, whaddya make of Hillary?"
J Restaurant, 148 Regent's Park Road, London, NW1
Tel: 020 7586 9100
That cannot be Monica?
Wow has she changed
Great piece. Wonder if she has a boyfriend here?
Hilarious. Cant believe that was 10 years ago now or so. You so should have said something though :-)
She certainly did bring him down!
Q: Why are Monica Lewinsky's cheeks so puffy?
A: She's withholding evidence.
I wonder if Monsky will stay in hiding here in London or head back to USA?
I am a graduate student at LSE and this blog was passed on to me to shed some light about her time in London.
I think it has been hard and easy for Monica. Hard in that English dont really care or know who she is so she doesnt get the instant a-list status as she does in NY which has to be hard. But it is also easy because she is not abused at LSE many of the students are American but respect her privacy.
She is rather friendly and I have seen her many times around campus.
The picture is up to date. She does look different but back then she was only very young.
Trusting this is not a flattering photo? Could Sherlock Holmes work CS not sure I would have recognised here.
Linda Tripp eh? What ever did happen to that narjy b^tch?
Yes bring Bubba and even Monicagate if it gets us away from Bush.
You New York women must be pretty pathetic. I saw Monica at the opening of Bent two weeks ago. She's gorgeous. Look for yourself at Whatsonstage.com. Are you really so jealous that you posted a phony picture of her?
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that would be the power of makeup
Wow she's changed some!
The worlds most famous blow job to date I reckon
When Clinton was the president (an able Democrat)
But the Republicans in Congress held
Majority, they dogged him as he stood or walked or sat,
Their noses into his privies compelled.
It was gratuitous--you may declare it if you please--
But somehow he came out of it alright:
There were no scandals proven, save for Monica--that tease!--
While sex sure stirs up voters´ appetite.
It doesn´t matter that the evidence as was obtained
Was got illegally--back in the day--
Illegal wiretaps previously were something much disdained,
But since that time we´ve gone a long, long way.
The FBI and CIA, policemen on the beat,
The covert spies even in lands abroad
All found their funds diverted, so to catch a spousal "cheat"
Though what he did was not so wrong by God!
Droit du seigneur remains in force although you may not like it,
He wasn´t a whore-monger like some bushes,
And Law Enforcement, per directive, tried so hard to psyche it:
Incrimination by presumption rushes.
Literally (don´t think that I exaggerate the number)
Millions of dollars were expended on
Sniffing the president--and sensing Bill had been a stumbler
Having tests taken on her azure gown.
Instead of what they really should have been attending to,
Like national security, you see,
So the Republicans played games; while terrorists slipped through
Their non-existent dragnet stealthily.
(You may recall that flight schools had been making calls for help
Because suspicious characters enrolling;
But cops were sniffing misdemeanors fit for penny pulp--
Republicans high virtue kept extolling.)
We know in retrospect that Newt and all his gangly crowd
Had got their action on the side meanwhile,
Sticking they hands (and other things) where they were not "allowed,"
Self mum, but raucous over Clinton´s style.
Republicans did not attend--remember this, remember--
To national security, until--was it September?--
Those pilots as had learned to fly but never how to land
Made good on their experience and the heinous deed they planned.
So you were busy squintin´, squintin´,
At escapades of William Clinton
(Like you were all so innocent):
While greater matters came and went.
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