SoLo (So London) Style

1) Has Madonna's millionaire mum rank pulling distracted you from the grave plight of orphaned children the world over? React by partaking in this weekend's Bloomsbury Festival and head to the Foundling Museum, London's original home for abandoned children. Friday-Sunday.
2) Has Bush's better-never-than-late admission that Iraq is another Vietnam enraged you enough to inspire a personal Tet offensive? React with non-violent dignity and grab a mate, a digital camera and head to Brixton for London's hippest photographic treasure hunt Shoot Brixton. Winners will go on display at Photofusion. Saturday.
3) Gutted to miss Harold Pinter in this week's sold-out, Krapp's Last Tape? React by booking now for Caryl Churchill's up-coming world preview and guaranteed sold-out sensation Drunk Enough to Say I Love You. Opens 10th Nov at the Royal Court.
This guy is SO London. Where else? Except maybe Soho NYC
What a bloke I think?
Shoot Brixton sounds ab fab :-)
Pinter was incredible. He knows Beckett's works so well and still out performed any performance I have ever seen. Top bill!
Definitely Bill Elliott
“Here I end this reel. Box - Pause - three, spool - Pause - five. Pause. Perhaps my best years are gone. When there was a chance of happiness. But I wouldn`t want them back. Not with the fire in me now. No, I wouldn`t want them back.”, S. Beckett, Krapps Last Tape
I went on one of the Shoot treasure hunts at Tate Modern and had a blast. It's the best thing I've done since I've been in London; probably
the best thing I've done in a long time! Definitely give it a go. Four hours and then a fun drinks reception afterwards. Cant beat it
what a great cheeky style and attitude
he must be gay right?
leggings on men area evry hard look to pull off
What a cheeky camp photo. Men in leggings. No bro no. But this is not so bad. Tell him to come to Shadow Lounge tonight and I will knock some real sense into him :-)
Just booke dup for tomorrow Shoot Brixton. People you MUST book in advance - so Today.
£10 up front. Looking forward. May the best team win. You going Slicky?
Didnt win but Shoot Brixton was great fun
Pinter was excellent
Not to rub it in but yes a shame for anyone who misses this legendary performance
Do look forward to Churchill's latest
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