Exuding exuberance

Josie is 24, originally from Kent now living in southeast London and if you take a bus anywhere south of Waterloo Bridge, she could very probably be the nutter sitting next to you - the safe one, that is. Josie never stops smiling throughout her show entitled 'Kindness and Exuberance', and says at the start that all she wants it to do "is disarm critics." Josie makes her argument in favour of amateurism on the basis that in French amateur means 'lover', whilst professional is French for 'bum idiot'. She is like a schoolgirl with an overactive imagination: London's Amelie from Peckham.
Josie read English at Oxford and her erudition is apparent with references to Aldous Huxley and Alexis De Tocqueville. She constructs fantastical role plays out of everyday encounters (including inventing stories behind the second hand items she buys in charity shops) with a lovable (if at times, sweet-toothed) romantic sensibility. She smiles her way through moments of disgruntlement in everyday life - the one thing comedians do better than every other art form. Broad, proper, grown-up emotions are covered by broad, proper, grown-up art forms like painting, music and film. You can paint grief or love, but you can't paint being annoyed by call centres. Niggly, petty grievances are perfect for stand-up and perfect for Josie's ironic and boundless imagination.
The audience for Josie's recent (and extended) sold-out run at the Soho Theatre was filled with trendy twenty-somethings, clad in leggings, layers and sporting 'I Love Hackney' badges on their eco-friendly jute bags. But it was still imaginative and thoroughly enjoyable for the rest of us who don't upload to YouTube nor qualify for a Young Persons Railcard.
Where to find Josie:
West End: 5th-6th October at the Garrick Theatre, Charing Cross Road, WC2 for the If.comeddies Awards Season. Tickets from £7.50. Book here.
South London: Josie runs a club called the Sunday Night Adventure Club at Cafe ABC in Crytsal Palace. Each night is a unique theme with secret handshakes, games and special prizes. Next performance dates are 22 Oct, 19 Nov, 10 Dec.
'Norf' London: Josie runs a club called "the OK Club with Les Marsh" at the Boogaloo in Highgate complete with comedy acts, DJs, and live music. Next dates are 12 Oct and 9 Nov.
On-line: www.myspace.com/all_of_the_cool_kids (let's hope she assumed that URL could be changed at some point).
Sounds like fun City Slicker.
Cool photo
So she is only 24?
Glad to see she is not leaving London cicruit. Will try to seek out one of these gigs. Not much of a comedy night woman usually but this sounds batty and strong. Cheers
Cool blog
Will be back
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And for a link to Josie's on-line monthly magazine click here, or write to her at: drawingmoustaches@hotmail.co.uk.
she is wicked
all over the shop wicked
saw her rated in Guardian write ups
so she is good eh? always think that london theatre scene overlooks good ocmedy acts as inferior for exactly the reasons you say that thought is not deep enough.
shame i suppose
why are all female comedians butt ugly? shouldnt that make them nasty bi^ches instead?
never understood that.
cool blog
lovin it
long's myspace blog is so cool
comedy IS where it;s at
where loads of young writers find themselves
ta ta
>It is said by some that comedy is the new rock n' roll.
it's true.
every time i dance, people laugh.
cool photo
fresh blog
comedy writing is in you or its not which is the rock n roll element
Another fab new commedienne Sue Perkins - was great at Edinburgh Festival. And she is really cute too.
I have gigged with Josie and a few years back she did a gig at a club I ran, glad to see she's making a real go of it. I liked her even back then!
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So she is only 24?
Glad to see she is not leaving London cicruit. Will try to seek out one of these gigs. Not much of a comedy night woman usually but this sounds batty and strong
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